Some months after finishing my Computer Science degree and starting my first real job as a developer, I felt I needed to have a place where I could control all of my expenses. I got tired of office suites and wanted an online service which could be easily accesible through a smartphone. In consequence I decided to start developing my own service. I could have looked for already available services, but I thought it would be an interesting experience to learn how to create a service like that using some technologies I wasn’t utilizing at work nor been taught at university. So, with my old webserver and php I started developing this service, called My Personal Accounting, for my own personal use.
When I was close to having a functional version, I realized that other people may also find it useful. So I implemented the users system and in May 2013 I published it on this website:
Later, I found out it would be relatively easy to make an Android version. Instead of developing an entire Android app to access the service, on the application I only needed a webview. So, I did that and I published it on Google Play in June 2013. I have never invested in marketing or SEO on this application as I created it only for personal use.
I have been using this app ever since, along with about 100 other pople on Google Play on a regular basis. Here some screenshots of the Android app:
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