03/01/2021 Update: This service was shut down in June 2020. This page will stay here for future reference.
Some months after finishing my Computer Science degree and starting my first real job as a developer, I felt I needed to have a place where I could control all of my expenses. I got tired of office suites and wanted an online service which could be easily accesible through a smartphone. In consequence I decided to start developing my own service. I could have looked for already available services, but I thought it would be an interesting experience to learn how to create a service like that using some technologies I wasn’t utilizing at work nor been taught at university. So, with my old webserver and php I started developing this service, called My Personal Accounting, for my own personal use.
When I was close to having a functional version, I realized that other people may also find it useful. So I implemented the users system and in May 2013 I published it on this website: http://mypersonalaccounting.com.
Later, I found out it would be relatively easy to make an Android version. Instead of developing an entire Android app to access the service, on the application I only needed a webview. So, I did that and I published it on Google Play in June 2013. I have never invested in marketing or SEO on this application as I created it only for personal use.
I have been using this app ever since, along with about 100 other people on Google Play on a regular basis. Here some screenshots of the Android app:
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